Ringgaard Research

KnolCase: personal and collaborative knowledge management

KnolCase is a collaborative case-based knowledge management tool for gathering information about subjects of interest and organizing these into case files. This can be used by researchers, investigators, journalists and others to collect, organize, share, and publish facts about topics. You can create your own case files with topics like persons, companies, organizations, places, articles, notes, documents, and references, and connect topics through properties, essentially forming a network of linked topics.

December 2024
Case #1515
When Danish citizens die, their information is published in the Danish government gazette Statstidende. This provides authoritative information about birth and dead dates. More than 6000 Danes have now been matched with the knowledge base.

Ringggaard Research

Ringgaard Research ApS is a not-for-profit company that develops and maintains the SLING system as well as doing research relating to knowledge management and natural language processing. Ringgaard Research was founded in September 2020 by Michael Ringgaard after working at Google Research for more than 13 years.

KnolBase: a federated knowledge base

KnolBase is a federated knownledge base that contains approximately two billion facts about 100 million entities. Every day a new knowledge base is built from Wikidata as well as a number of other information sources.

Today's birthdays



SLING is an open source project under an Apache license and all the code is available on GitHub. SLING is written mostly in C++ but can be used from Python by using the SLING Python API (pysling). There is also a JS module so you can use SLING in the browser.


SLINGDB is a lightweight persistent key-value database with a HTTP interface. It can be installed independently of the other SLING components and is distributed as a standalone Debian package.


Myelin is a JIT compiler for neural networks. It compiles neural network functions written in Python into optimized x64 assembly or GPU code at runtime.

Ringgaard Research
Research and development of computer systems for knowledge and language technologies.
Ringgaard Research ApS
CVR: 41641908
Bank: Nykredit Bank
Bank account: 5470-2674428